Escola Estadual João Melo Gomide

Escola Estadual João Melo Gomide

Inglês- Simple Past

Inglês- Simple Past

1. I _____________ the house three times yesterday. (to clean - affirmative form)

2-She _____________ the windows because it was too hot in here. (to open - affirmative form)

3. The class _____________ at 8 a.m. (to begin – negative form)

4. He _____________ to be a doctor when he was a kid. (to want - affirmative form)

5. _____________ the accident _____________ last night? (to happen – interrogative form)

6. We _____________ at a nice place in LA. (to stay – affirmative form)

7. They _____________ the party. (to enjoy - negative form)

8. My grandmother _____________ when I was eight. (to die - affirmative form)

9. He _____________ to work by bus. (to come – negative form)

10. Why _____________ you _____________ a cab to the airport? (to take – interrogative form)

11-The simple past of STOP is:

12-What is the correct verb in the past participle of "break”?

13 What is the correct verb in the past participle of "wear”?

14- The simple past of STUDY is:

15-Qual é o passado do verbo "see"?


"Assinale a alternativa correta para completar a seguinte frase “Jessica ______ (study) in the morning, but her brothers _____ (study) in the afternoon.”"



Assinale a alternativa que corretamente preenche as lacunas I, II e III das frases a seguir: 

He __________(I) me a favor 2 months ago. 

They __________(II) an attempt to escape. 

I __________(III) an important decision last night. 

18- (UFRGS/adaptado)

Complete a frase com a opção correta: 

 1- I did not see Paul. When I _____ the room he had already left. 

19-Irregular Verb

Qual é a forma correta do Passado
Simples dos verbos entre parênteses? ( eat – comer)
A) Yesterday I __________ (eat) pizza.


(MACKENZIE 2020) Assinale a alternativa
que corretamente preenche as lacunas I, II
e III das frases a seguir:
He __________(I) me a favor 2 months ago.
They __________(II) an attempt to escape.I __________(III) an importante decision last night.

21-She _____________ the windows because it was too hot in here. (to open - affirmative form)

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